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. . . will forever change the way you view tomatoes. In Italy we'll learn the secrets and myths of the fabled San Marzano tomato, find out if Queen Marguerita actually ate a Margherita pizza, and try to solve the puzzle of why tomatoes were not eaten in Italy for 300 years.

From Florida tomato farms that more resemble white-sand beaches than fields; to Northern greenhouses the size of New England villages that are redefining the very nature of farming, Ten Tomatoes follows the world's most popular vegetable from Aztecs to ketchup.


What's New

Read my opinion essay in the New York Times about how the greenhouse tomato may be changing the world.

The Ten Tomatoes That Changed the World have launched! In a starred review, BookPage writes, "his playful sense of humor makes his book endlessly surprising," Kirkus Reviews calls it "eccentric, informative, and thoroughly enjoyable," and Booklist promises "culinary history buffs will revel in the myriad anecdotes Alexander unearths here." Get your copy here!

What the critics say about William Alexander...

His writing is engaging, well paced and informative — The New York Times Book Review
One of America's funniest writers —CounterPunch
The world would be a less interesting place without the William Alexanders who walk among us -- the people who pursue all sorts of Holy Grails and latch like ticks onto particular passions, yet who have the good grace to tell us all about their exploits with humor, rather than with pomposity — Minneapolis Star Tribune
Engaging, funny, and down-to-earth — Entertainment Weekly
His timing and his delivery are flawless — The New York Times Magazine
Consistently funny — The Washington Post