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$64 tomato

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New York Times Sunday Book Review

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Charlotte Observer

The State (South Carolina)

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Richard Goodman, author of French Dirt


Library Journal

Katherine Whiteside, author of Classic Bulbs

National Garden


Kirkus Reviews

Hudson Valley Magazine

The Rockland Review

The Rutland (Vt.) Herald

And more...

"A Rollicking Read"

William Alexander's book "The $64 Tomato" asks the million-dollar question: When is enough enough? In the case of Alexander, whose memoir charts a decade of his gardening obsession (through webworms, tent caterpillars, rabid opossums and neck injuries), the answer is simply never.

Comprised of 14 pieces spanning the suggestive - "Whore in the Bedroom, Horticulturist in the Garden" - to the ironic - "One Man's Weed Is Jean George's Salad" - the book is a refreshing take on the city-mouse-turns-country-mouse-and-lives-to-tell genre...

His repeated use and misuse of the Hav-a-hart trap (which he deems "the Havahartattack trap"); a groundhog name SuperChuck that throws himself against Alexander's electric fence for kicks after munching on his tender carrots and heirloom tomatoes; and a polemic against totemic lawn penises and other schticky lawn ornaments make for a rollicking read, while the anomalous facts laced throughout keep even the avid gardener's attention pricked...